- Freestanding charmer with high ceilings and parquetry floors - Tucked away in a sought-after family friendly neighbourhood - Spacious single level layout, bright open living and rear deck - Breakfast bar kitchen, three bedrooms plus sunroom/study - Northeast courtyard, rear lane to secure covered car space - 350m from city buses, 800m to Norton Plaza shops and cafes MICHAEL HALLIT 0491 129 177 ROBERT CLARKE 0401 710 110 AUCTION Saturday 8 February 3.00pm On site, view 330mins prior VIEW Saturday 10.00 - 10.30am Wednesday 1.00 - 1.30pm belleproperty.com/ A n n a n d a l e 3 a 1 b 1 d 1490602 Sydney, NSW Leichhardt 21 Macquarie Street PROPERTY GUIDE NSW 33