
Looking for more recipe ideas? For dinner inspiration, food trends and roundups of the most delicious new recipes, visit Explore More Recipes 09 Ingredients Method 60mL olive oil 60g ‘nduja 50mL shiaoxing wine (or dry white wine at a pinch) 100mL tomato passata 250g green prawns, peeled and chopped into 2cm pieces 300g fresh mafaldine (Fabbrica Mafaldine is available at Maloney’s, Harris Farm, Woolies Metro amongst others) 20mL white soy 60g unsalted butter 20mL moscatel vinegar (a sweet and bright sherry vinegar. If you can’t access it, replace with a nice chardonnay vinegar) Sea salt to taste 1 handful flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped Pop a large pot of water on to boil for the pasta. Meanwhile, take a large pan and get it warm over medium heat. Add olive oil and ‘nduja to the pan to fry off for a few minutes. Stir infrequently, allowing some of the ‘nduja to catch a little in the pan before deglazing with the wine and adding the tomato passata. Turn the flame down to low and cook the tomato out for around five minutes. When your pasta water has come up to a boil, throw the mafaldine in and cook for 2 ½ minutes. At the same time, toss your chopped prawns in the ‘nduja/tomato sauce and allow the heat of the sauce to cook them out. When the pasta is cooked, pull it out with tongs or drain, reserving about a cup of the cooking liquid. Add your pasta and half the reserved pasta water to the sauce and toss so everything in there gets to know each other. If it’s not super saucy, add a little more of the pasta water. SITCHU MAGAZINE Finally, add the butter, vinegar and a healthy pinch of sea salt and allow the butter to emulsify the sauce and coat the pasta. At the last minute, throw your chopped parsley in and give it a taste, it might require a little more salt or even some vinegar to brighten it up. Take care when plating up the mafaldine, it has a habit of doing the opposite of what you want it to, which can be particularly precarious when dealing with a spicy red sauce. Serve with some bread to mop up any leftover sauce. Serves 2 Fabbrica’s Mafaldine With Prawns & Nduja